[73] 3/14/23 – Build Server Changes
Build Changes: +- Stuff changed! – Cut load times in half by shutting down an unnecessary lua function which some developers abuse in the name of convenience
Build Changes: +- Stuff changed! – Cut load times in half by shutting down an unnecessary lua function which some developers abuse in the name of convenience
+ Stuff added! – Added LVS StarWars– Added LVS Helicopters– Added ArcC9 +- Stuff changed! – Adjusted silent AFK system to stop people from AFKing for entire days. Now if you step away it won’t be an issue until you’ve been gone for 45 minutes.-Fixed ACF Custom, and made our Read more…
Forum Changes: + Stuff added! -N/A +- Stuff changed! – Complete forum remodel– Fixed a bug with password resets +- Stuff removed! – Some buggy forum mods that aren’t needed with the new version of the software anyways Build Changes: + Stuff added! – Added the following addon https://forums.darkstorm.cc/index.php?topic=4505– Re-added ep2 Read more…
+ Stuff added! +- Stuff changed!– Fixed some bugs on the website theme– Added a new ambient color themed background to the forums +- Stuff removed!
+ Stuff added!+LVS content+Parakeet’s Pill Pack +- Stuff changed! +- Stuff removed!-LFS content
+ Stuff added! Multi Physgun (Available in the weapons tab under CodeKraken’s SWEPs) +- Stuff changed! N/A +- Stuff removed! N/A
+ Stuff added! N/A +- Stuff changed! Created a map reload system, info can be found here. +- Stuff removed! N/A